Take action

Speak up, get organized and create change in your community.

Join our campaigns

Community Actions - Fridays for Future

Climate Action Petition

Call on City Council to act urgently to reduce carbon emissions and protect our community from climate impacts.


Support long term protection of the  LU greenspace.

Create change where you live

Speak up

Your voice matters.

Speak up


Take action on an issue you care about.

Create Change

Create Change

Make things happen.

Speak Up

Your councillor needs to hear from you to be able to bring your interests, priorities and vision to City Hall.

To e-mail City Council as a whole, copy-paste these e-mail addresses:

mayor@greatersudbury.ca; mark.signoretti@greatersudbury.ca; eric.benoit@greatersudbury.ca; michel.brabant@greatersudbury.ca; pauline.fortin@greatersudbury.ca; mike.parent@greatersudbury.ca; rene.lapierre@greatersudbury.ca; natalie.labbee@greatersudbury.ca; al.sizer@greatersudbury.ca; deb.mcintosh@greatersudbury.ca; fern.cormier@greatersudbury.ca; bill.leduc@greatersudbury.ca; joscelyne.landry-altmann@greatersudbury.ca

Write a letter to the editor to become part of a wider community discussion, and gain the attention of decision makers.

Your letter should be addressed to the Editor, or To whom it may concern, and be 200-300 words long. Include your name, address and phone number (only your name and city will be published if your letter is printed)
To send it to Sudbury.com and the Sudbury Star, send to:  editor@sudbury.com; dmacdonald@postmedia.com.


We are all responsible for the community we live in.  How can you take action on an issue important to you?

If it is a immediate and focused issue, the first step is to contact those responsible for resolving the issue.

For municipal issues, report to 3-1-1.  Ask for a file number, so that you can follow up.  
Examples of municipal issues are:  transit, snow removal, and park maintenance.

If the issue is not resolved, you can ask your Councillor to help.  Copy them on your follow up correspondences. Keep a record of your correspondences.

If the issue is still not resolved, you can contact local media to bring attention to the issue.

If it is a more fundamental issue, you may need to organize a campaign to work towards change.  Examples include changing a by-law or policy or an investment in infrastructure (like bike routes).

  • Connect with other people who share your concern and with groups already working on the issue
  • Understand the current situation
  • Identify the outcome you want and work towards it.  

Create Change

We can all create positive change where we live.  Community garden? Community art?  Neighbourhood street hockey? Neighbourhood tool sharing? Tree planting?  Little free library?  Get together with neighbours or join a community group and make something happen.  

Find inspiration, ideas and resources on our Project Impact site.  

Are you planning or attending a protest?  Here are some Canadian resources: Know Your Rights toolkits and a simple ‘know your rights’ card from from Steps to Justice (Ontario based).