Who We Are

We are community members who want to make a difference. We are volunteers.
Our current executive is Naomi Grant (Chair), and Rachelle Niemela. Our guiding members are Aicha Atlassi, Pam Banks, Christine Caveen, Alicia Irwin, Natalie Lachance, Violet Lanthier, and Avery Morin, with additional core members Jane Cox and Torrin Maag.
How We Work

We are a grassroots organization guided by our Mission Statement, our members, our community, and evidence-based research. We strive to undertake our work with integrity and respect. We create positive change by collaborating on advocacy and community projects.
Where We Are

We are located in N’Swakamok/Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, on the territories of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nations (Robinson Huron Treaty 1850).