Our Year
June 2023 - June 2024
Creating positive change together
In October, we celebrated saving the LU greenspace! Saving the LU greenspace was the result of a strong community campaign, coordinated by us, and backed by tremendous community support. With the immediate threat of the sale of the greenspace gone, our efforts are now focused on securing long-term protection for the LU greenspace.

Creating positive change - Pollinate Sudbury
During our Pollinate Sudbury project:
- We provided native pollinator plants for Birkdale community housing, Westmount, Walden, Wahnapitae First Nation, and Atikameksheng Anishnawbek First Nation Community Gardens; and two plantings along Junction Creek.
- We hosted workshops, and plant ID walks.
- We shared trilingual native plant ID cards and markers.
Overall: 275 native pollinator plants were planted, 5 new pollinator gardens were established at community gardens, 2 plantings were done along Junction Creek, 3 workshops and 3 plant ID walks were held; 148 community members and 15 community organizations participated.

Don't Kill the Buzz
Mosquito spray lawn services undermine efforts to support pollinators and protect watershed health. We prepared and shared resources to inform residents.
Supporting positive change - Project Impact
In Project Impact 2024, we were very happy to be able to fund all 19 community projects that applied, thanks to the generosity of the community. In total, the community donated $8307 to fund 19 projects in Atikameksheng Anishnawbek First Nation, Wahnapitae, West End, Donovan, Flour Mill, Minnow Lake, Downtown, Hospital Area, Hanmer, the Valley, New Sudbury, South End, Azilda, and City-wide. [Projects touch on all Wards, with projects specifically centred in 10/12 Wards: Wards 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12.]
We celebrated the projects and distributed the funding at our Earth Day Celebration.

Connecting community - The Future We Want To Live In
In June, we created a beautiful space of sharing and community together at ‘Imagining the Future We Want to Live In‘. Panelists Waubgeshig Rice, Shana Calixte-Pitawanakwat, and Cora-Rae Silk talked about the future they want to live in, and how their work helps to imagine, live, or achieve that future. The panel discussion was moderated by Isak Vaillancourt, followed by music by Lisa Marie Naponse.
We saw some steps forward and some steps back on our advocacy goals.
Steps forward:
- Establishment of a City Community Initiatives and Partnerships Team, intended to be a one-stop resource teams to help community groups and volunteers with events and projects.
- A winter sidewalk maintenance pilot project for improved winter sidewalk conditions, extended to the 2023-2024 season.
- Establishment of the Mayor’s Task Force on 30×30, with the goal of protecting 30% of land and water in Greater Sudbury by 2030.
- Support from Laurentian University to develop a management plan for the LU greenspace, and aspire to contribute to the 30×30 goal.
- Council adoption of the Roadmap to End Homelessness by 2030.
Steps back:
- A senior Climate Resilience Officer staff position was championed by the Mayor, approved by Council, and candidates were interviewed. However, during 2024 budget deliberations, Council deferred a decision on whether to fund this position until 2025 budget deliberations.
- 5 years after declaring a climate emergency, the City does not have a clear action plan to meet its 2025 and 2030 GHG emission reduction targets, it does it have budget dollars allocated specifically for climate action, and it does not have a single staff person solely devoted to climate action.
Coming up: June 2024 -June 2025
Watch for more nature walks, workbees and other activities.