Find local food
Support local producers and get access to fresh, healthy food
How? Here is some information from the Greater Sudbury’s Food Policy Council:
– Visit Click Fork – Northeastern Online Farmer’s Market and Three Forks Farm to order a wide variety of local food directly from local farmers.
– Visit the Sudbury Market Facebook page and website to find out when the market will be open, and how to order directly from some market vendors.
-Find Flour Mill Community Farm and New Roots Collective markets and events.
– Join the Farm to Table – Northern Ontario Facebook group to find local producers and engage in local food discussions.
– Explore the Farm to Table Google document to find a local producer, add a farm, or update your farm information.
You can also check out EarthCare Sudbury’s food access map here.
And follow Seasons Pharmacy and Culinaria on Facebook for info on growing and eating local food.
Want to grow your own food? Connect with the Sudbury Community Garden Network, Sudbury Horticultural Society (Facebook group), and Sudbury Shared Harvest.