our liveable community

Find some local connections and resources

Liveable neighbourhoods are complete, walkable neighbourhoods.

When you can walk safely, easily and pleasantly to your daily destinations and needs, you live lighter on the earth, and build a stronger connection to your neighbours and neighbourhood.

In a complete, walkable neighbourhood:

  • You can walk to where you need to go –  places like corner stores, town centres, schools, parks, and public spaces.
  • There are interesting things to look at along the way.  There are street trees and gardens.
  • You meet your neighbours on the street and in gathering places.
  • There is a variety places to live, welcoming for people in different stages of life.
  • There are connections to other neighbourhoods with bike routes, transit, and sidewalks and trails.
  • It easy to: walk not drive; use less energy in a smaller home; enjoy and protect nature in your yard and neighbourhood; and generally live more lightly on the planet, and more deeply in community.

Groups to connect to: Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury

City contact: EarthCare Sudbury

City policies and documents: Official Plan, Strategic Plan, City Budget

Our liveable community is low carbon and climate resilient.

As a community and as individuals we must do our part to avoid the worst impacts of the climate emergency by committing to climate justice, sharply reducing our carbon emissions, and making our natural and built environments more resilient to changes such as increased number and severity of storms, increased flooding and fire risks, and impacts on human and ecological health and water quality.

Where to go: the Climate Justice Corner at the Main Library. On-line: the City’s Net Zero Webpage, and Over-to-You page.

Groups to connect to: Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury, Citizens Climate Lobby Sudbury, Fridays for Future Greater Sudbury, reThink Green

City contact: EarthCare Sudbury

City policies and documents: Community Energy and Emissions Plan, Community Climate Adaptation Plan

In our liveable community, you can walk, wheel, bike or bus to where your need to go.

Walking, wheeling (e.g. with mobility device), cycling and taking the bus should be safe, convenient and accessible for all. Sustainable transportation gives us choices in the way we move around and allows everyone to reach destinations and opportunities.  It’s better for our health, our environment, our community, and even our economy.

View the map of the minimum grid of cycling routes proposed by the Sustainable Mobility Advisory Panel.

Groups to connect to: Bike Sudbury, Friends of GOVA Sudbury Transit, Greater Sudbury Safer Sidewalks, Rainbow Routes Association

City contact: GOVA transit, cycling resources, traffic calming, Smart Commute app

City policies and documents: Transportation Master Plan, Transportation Demand Management Plan, Complete Streets Policy, Transit Action Plan, Pedestrian Charter, winter maintenance

Our liveable community is a healthy natural ecosystem.

A healthy natural environment means healthy people and resilient communities.  Healthy land = healthy water.  Greater Sudbury is a city of lakes and water, with over 330 lakes, many rivers and creeks, and an abundance of wetlands. Water is life. We all have a responsibility to care for the land and the water.
Take steps where you live to protect our lakes.

Groups to connect to: Conservation Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance, Junction Creek Stewardship Committee, Lake Stewardship Committees, Sudbury Naturalists

City contact: Regreening program, Lake water quality program

City policies and documents: Green Space Advisory Panel Reports (2010, 2013), Urban Forest Master PlanWatershed Studies, CGS Stormwater Management Guidelines, Water and Wastewater Master Plan, Biodiversity Plan, Parks, Open Space and Leisure Master Plan, Regreening Reports, Lake water quality reports

Our liveable community grows healthy food for all

Locally and sustainably grown food adds to local food security.  It reduces the footprint of the food we eat, while connecting us to the way our food is grown.

Groups to connect to: Flour Mill Community Farm, Global Gardens in N’Swakamok/Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Food Policy Council, Sudbury Community Garden Network, Sudbury Shared Harvest

City contact: EarthCare Sudbury

City policies and documents: Greater Sudbury Food Strategy

In our liveable community everyone thrives and lives with dignity

Agency, housing, food security, social connection, and opportunity for all.

Groups to connect to: Black Lives Matter Sudbury, Poverty and Housing Advocacy Coalition

City contact: Community and Social Services

City policies and documents: Population health, Affordable Housing Strategy

In our liveable community everyone has a voice and create positive change where they live

Collectively, we make our community a better place.  We work to make the community better. We all deserve a voice in the municipal decisions that shape our city.

When citizens are engaged, they work together to make their community better.  When citizens are included in the decisions that impact them, decisions are better because they are based on the knowledge of the people living there.  Community groups bring a wealth of knowledge and volunteer energy to our communities.  

Citizens and community groups need:

  • Clear communication and timely and easy access to information about their community
  • To be meaningfully included in the decisions that impact them
  • To be supported in making positive contributions to their community.  

Groups to connect to: Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury, Live Love LouderMyths and Mirrors Community Arts, Northern Lights Festival Boreal, River and Sky, We Live Up Here, Community Action Networks.